Friday, May 24, 2013

Share Your Amazingness!

If you didn't know you will know now, I'm an artist!  As much as I try to hide it I am sensitive and  selfish with my creativity.  So I was sitting here trying to figure out why I don't really share my art with the world and I came up with 2 of the main things that I believe is holding me back:

1. I am my worst critique: I am the hardest on myself and there's times when I don't believe my work is good enough.  There is always a teeny tiny voice in the back of my head that's just saying "oh there is someone out there that is so much better than you", or "no one is going to like this or appreciate this" or just "Reka you can do better". Sometimes I spend from as little as 20 min to as much as 2-3 days just staring at something I have created trying to figure out ways I can make it better before I reveal it to anyone, if I reveal it at all.

2. Not believing in myself: So this blog is maybe the first time I have admitted out-loud that I am indeed an artist.  I have never been that person to actually call what I do art.  I always say "it's just a way for me to express myself or clear my head", "it's just something I do for fun", or "hey its just me being creative".  I have always knew that I was a very creative person but I never considered myself an artist.  It seems like I have made every excuse to not be an artist and it's like I'm rejecting who I really am.

So my cure to end the plague of fear and self doubt from holding me back is to just put myself out there and be shameless with my art.  You either like it or you don't! Yes there are millions of amazing artists out there but I can't let their amazingness (yes that's my new word) hold me back from letting my amazingness shine through.  So I am going to believe that I am good enough and rock that confidence that is needed for others to believe it too. I am going to stop rejecting the title of artist and where it like a crown!  No more selfishness here, I will keep the sensitivity but just a little bit because a lot of me goes into what I do and to stop that is to stop the best part of my art.  What can I say I'm a bottle of emotions, open with care.

             So how are you letting you amazingness shine through? Or whats holding you back?

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