Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Journal Love

I am a true journal fanatic, and I know I am because I just bought this journal and thats where my first thought went. I have so much paper in my little space of a room I could write for years straight, I really think I could!! Im always looking at the design, the type of paper, what the pages are made out of, the layout of the pages. When I see one I like I just buy it for some reason, even though I could have jus bought one last week. Dont judge me!! Im like searching for the holy grail of journals, and it never really is perfect. I always find one I like just a little bit more then the last one. I know most of you probably experience this same feeling with something more understandle like purses or shoes.

     I love that they have some prompts throughout the journal.                 

So my love for journals has gotten me researching journals on pintrest and etsy just to see whats on there. Check out my pintrest page for atleast four or more boards about solely journals!!! (My Pintrest Page) I found lots of amazing journals, of course!! This leads me to, thinking can design the perfect journal myself and it would meet all my expectations. Im ready to learn a new technique and learn how to bind a journal.

Book Purchased from Joann Fabrics
But thats not all, what im really into is art journals or junk journals.  Abovet you will find one I bought on Etsy to enjoy, examine, and recreate with my own style. I love the idea of using different papers and still be super creative with it. I have already been collecting different papers like vintage books for vintage looking paper.

Also the whole art journaling concept with the different paints and textures and materials. These are also called mix media journals.

I feel some crafts to be done in the future, after I collect my supplies. You know I have you find just the right stuff. Time to bring out my creativity, I know its in there. Im going to Let My Amazingness Shine Through.

Goal # 1: to fill a complete journal cover to cover.

Always Cay.

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