Monday, May 27, 2013

Mommy and Son Summer Garden Project

 My son Cayden, almost 3 years old is at that stage where you have to contantly keep challenging his mind. Theres so much more to the world then just throwing them in front of the tv or any technology at that. Explore! These kids are learning knowledge they will take with them as they grow. Do not hold anyone else responsible to teach your kids about life, turn the beauty of life as a lesson.

So me n my son are going to start a garden. A process we can almost spend the whole summer doing together. I got the whole concept from this cute kids garden idea on pinterest ( i love that site!!) and thought it would be perfect for me and my son, Cayden. Plus, this kid is definately my mini me because he loves vegtables just as much as i do. He loves them all.
So here is the section we cleared out for our garden.

We did a little craft together to get him excited about the idea of a garden and painted some rocks to place in our garden. We always have fun painting together and I have time to explain to him all about gardening, and that he has to work hard to get the garden ready and water it everyday to it will grow.
 I think we are going to do some smaller ones  just for fun, maybe put the names of our vegtables on them for labels, although Cayden just loves the idea of displaying his painting talents somewhere where people can see it.


Of course I had to to a little something to place in our garden, even though I tell him its all his.

So we been spending alot of time getting the soil ready by hoing it over and over again because our dirt was very hard and dry. After we spent about a week straight breaking up the dirt we put some gardening soil down to make the soil soft and smooth for the vegetable plants. Next step is to go to the nursery to get the plants. You could grow them from seeds but we are going to speed up the process to get it going. '
But me and Cayden did plant some flowers from seeds so he could understand these plants all came from seeds. We are hoping we can grow a big sunflower!!

Stay tuned for our next gardening project update, after we get the plants in the ground.


-Always Cay-

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