Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Kayniq Tee's

If you follow me on Instagram Then you have already seen this post!  Cay and I are so excited because after about 3 years of getting our business together from a small idea we are making big strides.  Our first Tee's for Kayniq are being printed as I type and should be in my hands tomorrow! 

The idea for the shirts came from an earlier post you can read here! We have a limited quantity so you can pre-order yours today.  Just leave us a comment with your email and we will send over the details and an invoice.  Or send me an email sareka@icloud.com The shirst will also be posted in our store in the next couple days =)

We are so thrilled to share this news with you! Make sure you follow me on Instagram to get the inside details of whats going on with Kayniq, and to tag us with pic of you rocking your Kayniq Tee #kayniq !

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