Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Don't Hold Back

Lots of times I think we can be our own worse enemy. Have you ever talked yourself out of something? Or made excuses for yourself that seem totally valid and some really good excuses as to why you can't do something. I don't know about you but I know I have. 

Sometimes it's like my mind is against me. There's tons of things I want to accomplish in life and I have so many vivid images of what my life should be like or will be like in the future. But it feels like I am holding myself back at times from making things really happen. Or getting things done that really need to be done. 

I just want to encourage someone to stop holding yourself back from the things you want for your life. There is no reason to blame other people or certain circumstances for you not getting what you want or going where you want in life. 

Everyone is going around talking about others hatin' on your dream when sometimes we are the main one hatin' on the dreams we have for ourselves. Don't let your mind talk you out of doing the things you know you should be doing to get you to where you want to be. 

I know how hard it can be sometimes but you just have to remember that the good things in life don't come easy. 

Are you following your dreams? 

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