Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Kayniq Photoshoot

We are super excited! Kayniq had its first photo shoot a couple weeks ago.  Cay and I were amiture photographers but we are more than happy with the way the photos turned out.  We had lots of fun and more than enough photos to choose from.  Breonna was an excellent model and Cayden tried to sneak in a few shots as well. 

We stumbled on a park in Cleveland we decided to take advantage of the sunshine break from all the rain we had been getting.  The park wasn't as pretty as we hoped for but we made the best of it (and got chased by a flock of geese in the process).

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Coconut Love!

I am planning on writing a blog soon about all of my favorite products I use on my hair and while I was going through my products the main one that has been the most consistent for me for the past 4years has been coconut oil.  I use this on both my hair and my skin and it is by far my favorite product, so I thought I would give you guys a little run down of the benefits of using coconut oil.

If you are a curly haired beauty then you probably already know the importance of moisturizing you hair and sealing in the moisture with an oil (if you don't know look for it in future blogs that will be here).  Coconut oil is able to bind the natural protein structure of the hair. This helps the hair retain its natural moisture content and reinforces the hair fiber, making it stronger.

Coconut oil's hydrophobic oil characteristics allows it to stop the penetration of water from the surrounding air and environment, which makes it a great pre-poo because it keeps your strand from swelling so much when water is applied during the washing process.  So consider adding coconut oil to you hair regimen for soft, shiny, and stronger hair.

Once I started using coconut oil for my hair, using it for my skin soon followed.  I use the oil for a all over body moisturizer when I get out of the shower, and I also use it on my face after washing.  It may make you fill a little oily at first but it absorbs into the skin slowly allowing your skin to be soft a moisturized all day.

Coconut oil is packed with antioxidants, along with the medium chain fatty acids that help build cells rather than destroy them, making it an excellent choice for younger looking skin. Using coconut oil regularly helps build and repair skin, and it is know for actually slowing down the development of wrinkles and liver spots.

I got a tip from Hey Fran Hey to use it every day on my nails and I have received great results.  My nails are strong and healthy and can grow to great lengths if I allow them too.

Now I haven't tried this myself so I can't say how well it works.  But I have read that eating a spoon full of coconut oil a day will help with your overall health.  It is known to help with weight loss, raise your good cholesterol, strengthen your immune system, and help control blood sugar levels.  I may have to test these out one day.

All in all the use of Coconut oil has some amazing benefits one of the key things is to make sure you get unrefined virgin coconut oil.  You don't want to miss out on all the amazing qualities by purchasing a version that has been stripped of all the properties that makes it oh so good.

Do you use coconut oil? If so tell us how!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Caydens Garden Update

Me and my son, Cayden are sharing many joys and memories with the garden we are growing. We maintain it together and he is learning the process of growing a garden and taking care of it. He is very handy too, he does all the watering, helps me pull the weeds, and  he always has to pull an onion or two up and eat them since that's the only thing edible right now ...

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

No More Itty Bitty Bikini!

Gone are the days where you had to be a size 5 and below to rock a bikini.  Companies like Rue 107 are now making it possible for women of all sizes to tastefully rock bikini's this summer and feel confident and comfortable while doing so.

I don't know about you but I know for me wearing a one piece swimming suite can be a daunting task at times let alone thinking about the possibility of getting into a two piece that is actually comfortable.  I know shopping for swimming suites for me have always been an unwanted experience.  You go into these stores and the swimming suites looks like something your grandma should be wearing.  How humiliating would it be to show up to the pool with the same suite as the 80 year old sun bathing in the corner.

So I applaud all the designers who have decided to take it up a notch and cater to an audience who have been overlooked for way to long.

I'm excited because I have purchased a few pieces myself and they should arrive soon =) So I will give you guys an update once it gets here!  In the mean time check out there line they have lots of great clothes over there in awesome one of a kind prints.


What are you rocking to the beach this summer?