Sunday, May 27, 2012

Meet Reka

I'm Sareka mostly known as Reka by my friends and Ree-Ree by my family. I'm twenty something lol and currently living a single lifestyle coming and going as I please lol.

I Grew up in Detroit, went to Bowling Green University in Ohio. After spending the best 2.5 yrs of my life there I decided to come home (well I didn't have much of a choice). And I moved to Ypsilant, Mi. Yea I know most people don't know where that is, but it's right next to Ann Arbor home of the Wolverines...GO BLUE !!!!

I'm a real family person and I look forward to someday meeting the guy of my dreams and giving him a few babies. But until then you can find me hanging out with my family or my friends or my dog Carter. He's my only child .

My Mommy and Daddy!
They are just too cute! =)
My niece and nephew Breonna and Shamarion!
My brother and sister Will  and Sheila =)
My Granny <3
My two besities Cayli (my partner in crime)
and Meagan and the boys Cayden and Rei!
My one and only child!
He is so spoiled! lol

Until I have my own family to consume my time I currently spend most of my time....working -_- and helping out in the Childrens Ministry at my church. Love the kiddies =)

GK Clubz!!!!
Crazy faces!!!! <3

...and pursing my dreams, and doing something fun every now and then in between :)

Something's that I am currently obsessed with:

Natural Hair
Healthy Living
Graphic Design

Things I like:
Music (all genres)
Reading (books and mags)
Finding new interesting blogs on the Internet
DIY projects
Decorating my aprtment
All things BoHo =)

And anything else I may run into that I absolutely adore.

These are the things you will probably find me blogging about the most...but I'm pretty random so you may find me blogging about something the caught my attention for the day.

You can also find me at:

my personal blog

Instagram: sarekaunique

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